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The In-House Marketers Guide to Digital 2019

  • Publish Date: Posted about 5 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Chan

Sydney’s Office Manager, Alan Chan has recently taken the plunge into the digital marketing world, taking on lots of responsibility when it comes to the task of marketing the become group. Coming from an Arts background, Alan is certainly not short of creativity; but has been expanding his marketing knowledge in order to guide his new role.

Alan was recently invited to attend “The In-House Marketers Guide to Digital 2019” seminar held at Rocket Agency in Sydney. It was his first time attending a seminar of this kind and being a new marketer, he was really thrilled to be going. Here, he tells us all about his experience; take it away, Alan!

“The first half hour is bump-in time. There was free breakfast and really yummy Nespresso coffee. As more people showed up, there was an opportunity to meet and network with fellow Marketers across various industries. It was exciting to be able to talk about Become and the types of creative and digital roles that we recruit for. The first half hour went by super quickly and before you know it, it was time to all head into the room for the seminar.

Some take-home trends and tips for digital marketing in 2019:

  • If you have to invest in any form of digital strategy, it should be in video. People are becoming more and more time-poor and have busy lives. No other form of content can hook and engage people with a message, as succinctly in the way video can

  • Email marketing can still engage with audiences and have high impact, if they provide and communicate value to the audience

  • Consider the importance of repurposing, remarketing and retargeting strategies

  • Develop conversion funnels and engage your audience through creating awareness of your brand on social media

  • Be personal, genuine and authentic – Don’t lose your audience with business speak so soon

The seminar was really engaging and gave me a really great, basic understanding of the digital trends to focus on, for the year ahead. And remember, there is no one way or single digital marketing strategy that will give you winning results overnight. So invest your time and efforts in multiple methods and techniques.

If you’re reading this and you’re also a new Digital Marketer like me, I highly encourage you to attend marketing seminars and conferences. It’s a great way to meet with fellow marketers, industry-thought leaders and be kept in the loop with the latest industry trends.”

Read more about Alan, or contact him here. Alternatively, if this article has inspired you to consider marketing as a career, check out our latest marketing roles.