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Best Practices for Working Remotely

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 5 years ago
  • Author:by Mark Ayyad

Are you working from home? Our team has put together our best practices for being efficient and effective while working remotely. Here are our top tips:

1. The tools to do the job

Innovations in technology make the current landscape the easiest that it has ever been to work from home efficiently. If it’s not something you’re used to already, do some research and find out what tools other people and companies similar to your own are utilising. 

2. The environment

As tempting as it can be to flip your laptop open in the comfort and warmth of your bed as your eyes begin to open, this is a sure fire way to become significantly less productive.  Dedicate a table or more appropriate work space to become your new office. You can still make it comfortable!

3. Set your hours

Set some working hours, and do your best to stick to them. If your hours are 9 to 5, be ready at start at 9am, coffee in hand, and shut everything off at 5pm, unless critical. It is important that you are totally focussed during working hours, but also that you get “me-time” at the end of the day.

4. The day ahead

Structure the day ahead each morning; give yourself timelines for each task, and prioritise!

5. Don’t stop talking!

Keep communication lines open throughout the day. Make sure everyone is on the same page, and knows what each other is up to, just as you would if you were all sat beside one another.  Wherever possible, call or video call colleagues, especially where the whole team is working remotely, it’s nice to hear a friendly voice during the day.

6. Stay focussed

Most homes are a mine-field of distractions. There are always errands to run, or little household jobs that need doing, but it is important not to fall into bad habits and leave these things until you are finished working, just as if you were working at the office.

7. Be accountable

Though communication may be a little harder than usual, it is important to keep your manager, client and team informed of any problems you come up against. Always ask for help when you need it!

8. Give yourself a break!

With no lunch-time stampede through the office, it is hard to remember to take breaks. If you find it hard to remember, set yourself an alarm for lunch, breaks are important to remain efficient for the day ahead.

Become Recruitment is a specialist digital and creative talent agency, covering both permanent and freelance recruitment respectively. Established for 23 years with offices in Manchester, Sydney and Melbourne and Auckland, they work with some of the world’s top branding, design and advertising agencies, as well as corporate marketing teams.

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