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Best Practices for Interviewing Remotely

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 5 years ago
  • Author:by Erin Smyth

Best practices for video interviews to ensure successful hires while working remotely

1. One-way, or another?

There are two types of video interview; one-way, where you send a candidate a list of questions and they respond via video, and two-way, where you both interact through a video call. We recommend always holding two-way video interviews where possible as you will get a much better indication of their character and whether they suit your company culture.

2. The platform

There are so many options, from Skype to Zoom and FaceTime, that choosing the right one can be tricky. It’s important to consider how many people need to be on the call, and what tools the candidate will be able to access easily.

3. Testing, 2, 3...

Do a test run, check the software works. Make sure your devices are charged. Find a suitable place to sit where your video background will appear as professional as possible. Dress appropriately to reflect your company culture. You wouldn’t expect the candidate to be unprepared, so ensure you are.

4. Give a timeframe

Give yourself a realistic time slot for the interview, and discuss this with the candidate prior to the call. Good practice would be to remind the candidate at the start of the call too.

5. As you were

Just as you would with any other interview, have your questions pre-prepared. Make sure they are in clear view; try not to read directly from them, but use them as a guide so nothing gets missed!

6. Take note, and take notes

It’s easy to forget parts of conversation that you may need to rely upon later in the hiring process, so make sure you have jotted down candidate responses to questions. You should also pay attention to the way in which they communicate, are they more corporate or informal? Consider their body language, how they are dressed and how engaged they appear to be.

7. Feed back to your recruiter

Once the video interview is over, speak to your consultant. Pass on your thoughts and any questions you may have.

Become recruitment consultants are experienced in advising clients and candidates in best practices when it comes to video interviewing. We hope you find these tips helpful in your job search journey. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of our friendly consultants today.

About Become

Become Recruitment is a specialist digital and creative talent agency, covering both permanent and freelance recruitment respectively. Established for 23 years with offices in Manchester, Sydney and Melbourne and Auckland, they work with some of the world’s top branding, design and advertising agencies, as well as corporate marketing teams.​