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Why You Shouldn’t Stop Your Job Hunt Over The Holiday Season
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Why you shouldn’t stop your job hunt over the holiday season

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 3 years ago

It's hard being a job seeker. No doubt! However, it's even harder around Christmas. Besides the fact that you're searching for work, you're also busy juggling buying a multitude of presents and parties you feel obliged to attend. In the hectic days and weeks surrounding Christmas, it can be very tempting to take a break from your job search until the New Year, but don't do it! The holiday season is a great time to land your dream job and start the New Year off on the right foot!

Here are 5 reasons why continuing your search over the festive season will be rewarding:

1.       Say goodbye to your competition

Do you know why you shouldn’t wait until the new year to look for a new job? Because you'll be doing the same thing as everyone will. In general, candidates who are in between jobs are less likely to look for new positions over the holidays, and those with jobs who might like to make a change, are hesitant to make a move until after the New Year.

Many people are also going to make semi-empty promises about starting fresh in 2022. This includes things like going to the gym, going on a diet, or getting a new job. Therefore, when January comes around, you will have a whole lot of competition from overly enthusiastic people.

Why waste the entire month of December delaying the inevitable? While recruiting tends to slow down in December, your competition also tends to do the same. The recruitment websites that had once been heavily visited will become less crowded during December. Therefore, why not take advantage of the lack of competition at the end of the year? Be proactive and begin applying now.

2.       It’s easier to catch people

Due to the approaching holidays, hiring managers might not be traveling as much as usual, so they may be easier to reach. Most likely, they will be working on finalising projects, catching up on administrative tasks before the holidays, as well as meeting with colleagues, and attending holiday get-togethers.

Although some may take some time off between Christmas and the New Year, many others will still be working or checking their emails at home, so you can still catch them if you get in touch. Plus, since many businesses and job seekers will take time off during the Christmas period, their inboxes will be less crowded and so your message will stand out more.

3.       Exploit organised companies

In the coming year, any manager worth their salt will have already taken into consideration their recruitment needs. As a result, certain companies will, within the month of December, have a "December rush" during which new employees will be hired and trained in preparation for the renewed business in the New Year.

Despite the distraction of Christmas, the time between Christmas and New Year can be the best time to hire and train new employees, as business usually slows down in December (especially in office-based jobs).

Applying to these companies is a big plus, since they are much more likely to be flexible and well-organised than their competitors, who are scrambling to find candidates during the January rush.

4.       Take advantage of the joy in the air

You'll find everyone is a little more friendly and relaxed during this time of the year, so take advantage of that and catch a Hiring Manager while they're in the holiday mood. There's nothing better than having an interview with a recruiter that's being positive, as the conversation will flow a lot better. An additional bonus would be the fact that you can mention or ask about holiday plans. This will add a touch of joy and relaxation to the interview and show that you are a thoughtful person.

Take advantage of networking during this time of year as well. As work demands slow down, you may find people more open to meetings and turning short discussions into long-term opportunities. Don't forget that all the Christmas parties will provide you with the opportunity to expand your professional network also! Keep your eyes and ears open when attending these events.

5.       Avoid the January panic

When you stay on top of things and maintain momentum during the holiday season, you can avoid the usual January panic. It's always a good idea to start fresh when the New Year comes around, to think about a 'new career in the new year', change your perspective on life and set yourself new goals. By the time others are making their first calls, you'll be on top of the game by keeping up your job search efforts through the holiday season.

During the holiday season, there are many opportunities to take advantage of, and when you compare the rush of January to this festive season, you’ll be glad to be ahead. So why make life harder for yourself? Grab your laptop or your phone and start looking for work while no one else is!

If you want help getting ahead, and are looking for a new role, get in touch with our team today.